You fly to the city abroad to presentation, for example, of new equipment as ordinary participant and auditor and you need the interpreter.
In this case interpretation differs little from interpretation at any other mass event (conference, meeting, round table). You need strong interpreter able to adapt quickly to unusual situation and, certainly, understanding and having experience of interpretation in that field of knowledge, which the presentation subject belongs to.
Conditions and interpretation quality will depend on your status at this presentation and correspondingly the place you will watch the presentation from. If you are one of special guests and sit in presidium, it is one situation. If you are ordinary visitor and sit somewhere in a hall rather far from the stage, it is another situation. It is difficult to provide ideal interpretation without special equipment. Therefore interpretation by whisper will be the most suitable variant, i.e. the interpreter whisper to you in your ear. That’s why it is very important to choose such a place, where you can hear everything well and at the same time the interpretation would not disturbs other participants of presentation.
If you act as organizer and the main speaker and you plan to hold presentation of your new product or service for potential foreign partners (no matter in your country or abroad), depending on the venue, number of participants and technical equipment available at presentation, consecutive or simultaneous interpretation can be applied
Consecutive interpretation is more often at presentation with a small number of participants and one pair of working languages.
Simultaneous interpretation will be more suitable for official long presentations with a large number of participants and necessity to provide interpretation into several languages at once (for example, not only into English, but also into German or Chinese).
Unlike other kinds of consecutive interpretation, at presentations special attention is paid to appearance, official style of clothes and adequate gestures of the interpreter, and sometimes even to such factors, as age and sex of the interpreter. Eventually, you are to choose, which interpreter will suit you best for interpretation at presentation.
Clarity of presenting, exact interpretation of terms, correctly placed accents are very important for interpretation of presentations. Therefore it is desirable for interpreter not only to know the subject well, but also to have the opportunity to see the full text of presentation several days before its start.
Interpreter should have clear articulation and loud voice to provide high-quality interpretation at presentations. Anyway, additional microphones for interpreter and for questions from the audience will help to make presentation more effective and to facilitate perception of the interpretation even in the small room. It is better to think about them in advance.